Lucy Danziger is the former American editor-in-chief of Self magazine and the author of The Drop 10 Diet book. Danziger served as an editor-in-chief of Condé Nast Publications' Self from 2001 until 2014. She now the founder and CEO of Hintd, an online registry platform.
After graduating from the elite Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts in 1978 and the elite Harvard in 1982, she worked as an associate editor at New York magazine. Later, she worked the New York-based weekly 7 Days as the founding managing editor. She also served as the founding editor of Women's Sports & Fitness from 1997 to 2000 and as an editor at The New York Times before becoming editor-in-chief at Self. Danziger has written for numerous publications including The New York Times, Vogue, Outside, Condé Nast Traveler, Skiing, Allure, Time and USA Today. Danziger has appeared on several television shows, including Today, The View and Good Morning America.
In an August 2009 blog post referring to the retouching of singer Kelly Clarkson's cover photograph in the September 2009 issue of Self, Danziger asserted that this is a common practice for the publication. She defended her position, saying "This is art, creativity and collaboration. It's not, as in a news photograph, journalism." Danziger also volunteered that her own photograph had been retouched at her request. In 2004, she completed a marathon in under five hours and wanted to include a picture by her editor's letter. She asked the art department to slim down her hips to reflect a more positive image of herself and does not see this as a conflict with her attitude that she is "confident in (her) body, and proud of what it can accomplish."