Louise Reichardt or Luise Reichardt (11 April 1779 – 17 November 1826) was a German composer and choral conductor. Her German songs or Lieder, written in an accessible style akin to folk music, were popular, and she was influential in the musical life of Hamburg, Germany, where she lived from 1809.
She was born in Berlin. She was the daughter of composers Juliane Reichardt (1752–1783) and Johann Friedrich Reichardt (1752–1814) and granddaughter of Franz Benda (1709–1786). Her grandfather and father were respectively Konzertmeister and Kapellmeister at the court of Frederick the Great. After Juliane Reichardt died, the family moved from Berlin to Giebichenstein near Halle. Louise Reichardt took music lessons from her father, and in 1800 four of her songs were published in a collection of his songs. The Reichardts entertained literary figures such as Goethe, Ludwig Tieck, Novalis, Clemens Brentano, and Phillip Ludwig Achim von Arnim. Later, she would use von Arnim's poetry in a collection of twelve songs.
In 1809 she moved to Hamburg where she studied with Johann Frederich Clasing. She taught music, instructed choruses, and composed. She did not rely on royalty or wealthy patrons to hear her music. During her time in Hamburg, from 1809 until 1826, she composed the majority of her Lieder. She reached the public by writing in an easily accessible, folksy style, combining memorable melodies with simple piano accompaniments.