The primary governmental uniformed services of Denmark have Long Service Medals that may be awarded after 25 years of service.
Besides the normal 25 year medals, the Order of Dannebrog may also be awarded to high-ranking officers after 25 years service, or sometimes as a retirement-decoration.
After 40 years of public service the Medal of Merit may be awarded.
Ribbon of the Long Service Medal for Army, Airforce, Navy and Department of Defense
The Navy Long Service Medal (Danish: Hæderstegnet for God Tjeneste ved Søetaten) was instituted in 1801 by King Christian VII and may be awarded to any member of the Navy after 25 years of good service. After 40 years of service a gold oakleaf is added to the ribbon.
The medal was instituted in order to keep the experienced personnel in the Navy, in order to be able to continue defending the trade fleet. Besides being awarded the medal, other benefits were also given; for example carpenters received the title "Royal Shipbuilders", and Master Carpenters received a rank of officer of the navy.
Until 1925 the medal was for privates, sergeants and non-commissioned officers only. On December 9, 1925, the statutes of the medal was changed, so that the recipient now is "Any man or woman".
The Army Long Service Medal (Danish: Hæderstegnet for God Tjeneste ved Hæren) was instituted in 1945 by King Christian X and may be awarded to any member of the Army after 25 years of good service. After 40 years of service a gold oakleaf is added to the ribbon.
The Air Force Long Service Medal (Danish: Hæderstegnet for God Tjeneste ved Flyvevåbnet) was instituted in 1953 by King Frederik IX and may be awarded to any member of the Air Force after 25 years of good service. After 40 years of service a gold oakleaf is added to the ribbon.