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The loins (or: lumbus) are the sides between the lower ribs and pelvis, and the lower part of the back. It is often used when describing the anatomy of humans and quadrupeds (such as horses,pigs or cattle). The anatomical reference also carries over into the description of cuts of meat from some such animals, e.g. tenderloin or sirloin steak.

In human anatomy the term "loin" or "loins" refers to the side of the human body below the rib cage to just above the pelvis. It is frequently used to reference the general area below the ribs. While the term "loin" is generally not used in medical science, some names of disorders do contain it.

The lumbar region of the spinal column is located in the loin area of the body.

The term also has become euphemistic for human genitals because of their prominence in that anatomical region. Because of this euphemistic use of the term, the article of clothing that is worn around the genital area has been named a loincloth.

In the Authorized King James Version of the Christian Bible the term "loins" is used frequently. It is suggested that the "loins" is the minimum one must cover on their body to be respectful of the law. This suggests that if a man covers up just his genital area, he is considered clothed enough for public life.

Frequently the expression "fruit of his loins" is used to refer to children. Such a "fruit of my loins" reference is also made in the King James Version.

It is also used as a term for the general lower area of the body much like the term "below the belt" references the area below where the average person would wear a belt.

