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Logan Formation

Logan Formation
Stratigraphic range: Lower Carboniferous (early Osagean)
Logan Formation exposed in Wooster, Ohio.
Type Sedimentary
Unit of Waverly Group
Sub-units Berne, Byer, Allenville, Vinton
Underlies Maxville Limestone
Overlies Cuyahoga Formation; Black Hand Sandstone
Thickness 0 to 40 m
Primary sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate
Other shale
Region Appalachian Basin
Country United States
Extent Ohio, West Virginia
Type section
Named for Logan, Ohio
Named by Andrews, 1870

The Logan Formation is the name given to a Lower Carboniferous (early Osagean) siltstone, sandstone and conglomeratic unit exposed in east-central Ohio and parts of western West Virginia, USA.

The Logan Formation was named by Andrews (1870) and originally described as a "buff-colored, fine-grained sandstone" above the Waverly Formation and below the Maxville Limestone. Bork and Malcuit (1979) concluded that the Logan Formation was deposited on a shallow marine shelf in a generally transgressing sea. The age of the Logan Formation has been established as early Osagean (Tn3) by the occurrences of brachiopods, ammonoids, conodonts and miospores (Clayton et al., 1998; Matchen and Kammer, 2006).

Conglomerate in the Logan Formation exposed in Wooster, Ohio, USA.

Brachiopod internal and external molds in the Logan Formation in Wooster, Ohio.

The bivalve Aviculopecten subcardiformis from the Logan Formation in Wooster, Ohio (external mold).

Bivalves (Aviculopecten) and brachiopods (Syringothyris) in the Logan Formation in Wooster, Ohio.

Cross-bedding and scour in the Logan Formation of Jackson County, Ohio.

Schizodus medinaensis; a bivalve from the Logan Formation in Wooster, Ohio (internal mold).

Syringothyris sp.; a spiriferinid brachiopod from the Logan Formation in Wooster, Ohio (internal mold).

Syringothyris external mold with borings; Logan Formation; Wooster, Ohio.

Syringothyris texta (Hall 1857), dorsal view, internal mold. Lower Carboniferous of Wooster, Ohio.

Helminthopsis ichnosp.; a trace fossil from the Logan Formation in Wooster, Ohio.

Crinoid calyx from the Logan Formation in Wooster, Ohio, with a conical platyceratid gastropod (Palaeocapulus acutirostre) attached.

