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The Lochamer-Liederbuch (Lochamer Song Book or Locham Song Book) is an extensive collection of German songs at the transition from the late Middle Ages to the Renaissance. It dates from the mid-15th century and is regarded as one of the most important surviving collections of music from fifteenth-century Germany. Other names are Locheimer and Lochheimer Liederbuch.

The song manuscript comprises 45 songs in one-part to three-part settings on 93 pages. 44 songs are in German, one is Dutch. Other sources arrive at 47 or 50 songs. The differences in numbering come from some songs existing in several versions; some melodies are fragmented or without text or title. For almost half of the songs, the book is the only source.

The main scrivener was some friar Jodocus of Windsheim, who is thought to have been a student of the school of the Nuremberg organist and composer Conrad Paumann. The bulk of the collection dates from the years 1451 to 1453; supplements were added until 1460. The collection shows the increasing value of secular songs, along with sacred ones, including "All mein’ Gedanken, die ich hab" (All my thoughts that I have), "Ich fahr dahin" (I go away), "Der Wald hat sich entlaubet" (The forest is leafless) and "Ich spring an diesem Ringe" (I jump in this circle). Individual songs can be assigned to authors of late medieval manuscripts, namely the Monk of Salzburg and Oswald von Wolkenstein ("Wach auf, mein Hort", Wake up, my darling).

The second part of the manuscript, titled Fundamentum organisandi, includes 31 organ tablatures by Conrad Paumann. The two parts, created independently, were combined soon after their origin.

The Lochamer-Liederbuch was part of the library of the Prince of Stolberg-Wernigerode in Wernigerode. It was sold in 1931 and is now located in the Berlin State Library. It is regarded as "one of the most important surviving collections of music from fifteenth-century Germany".

This song manuscript was critically edited by Friedrich Wilhelm Arnold and first published by Friedrich Chrysander in Leipzig in 1867 in his Jahrbuch für musikalische Wissenschaft, Bd. 2 (Yearbook for musical science, vol 2).

