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Game background
Title(s) Our Lady of Joy, Mistress of Revels, Joybringer
Home plane 2E: Brightwater (Arborea)
3E: Brightwater
Power level Lesser
Alignment Chaotic Good
Portfolio Joy, Happiness, Dance, Festivals, Trade, Money, Wealth
Superior Sune
Design details

Lliira (/ˈlɪərə/ LEER) is a fictional character, a goddess in the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons & Dragons. She is also known as Our Lady of Joy, Mistress of Revels and the Joybringer, and is the Faerûnian goddess of joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom and liberty.

Ed Greenwood created Lliira for his home Dungeons & Dragons game, set in Greenwood's Forgotten Realms world.

Lliira (pronounced “Leer-a,” with a trill on the “ee” sound) first appeared within Dungeons & Dragons as one of the deities featured in Ed Greenwood's article "Down-to-earth Divinity" in Dragon #54 (October 1981). Lliira is introduced as Our Lady of Joy, goddess of joy, careless feeling, contentment, release, hospitality, happiness, dance, patron of festivals; she is a chaotic good demigoddess from the plane of Olympus. Lliira is described as being "allied to Milil and Sune, and is invoked and offered to at all joyous occasions. She is usually depicted as a young, dancing, sensuous lady, laughing and carefree. She cannot abide violence and ill feeling, and a sword bared (save in solemn ceremony) any place is said to be enough to drive her, or her favor, away." The article also notes that "Milil often works directly with Lliira," and "Lliira and Selune serve Sune." Lliira is commonly worshipped by chaotic good thieves and clerics, and bards of any alignment.

