Living Room Games is an American game company that produces role-playing games and game supplements.
Living Room Games were a group of Earthdawn fans that licensed the game from FASA in 2000, and began production of a second edition of the game in 2001. Living Room Games continued to publish their Earthdawn line for years, culminating in a second edition in 2005. Meanwhile, FASA Corp also granted RedBrick a license for Earthdawn, and RedBrick at first called their line "EarthDawn Classic" to differentiate it from Living Room Games' edition and to show that they were staying closer to the art styles and setting of the original FASA line than Living Room Games had.
Living Room Games is a group of friends and gamers who took the news of Earthdawn being canceled harder than most. They decided to start their own game company in the hopes of obtaining the rights to print Earthdawn, as well as come out with their own line of games.
LRG Members List
President / Earthdawn Line Developer: Mike Williams
Vice President / Art Director: Randy Manuel Navarro
Chief Financial Officer / World Tournament Line Developer: Joe Chan
General Members: Damon Earley, Scott Ferguson, Aaron F. Johnson, Ryan Kelley, Sean Kelley, Dwayne Koonce, Gary McBride, Austin Mills, Chris Palomares, Patrick Quarles, Kent Raymond, Bert Sanders, Marco Soto, Shirley Soto
Associate Members: Chris Barney, Joseph Chang, Scott Greisch, Henry Kahng, Toby Leonard, Mark Mandolia, Jason Middleton, Brian Spencer, T.R. Williams
Living Room Games published the Second Edition Earthdawn Role-playing game, Digital Burn, Tony Digerolamo's Complete Mafia for D20, and Capcom World Tournament. The Capcom World Tournament was canceled in 2006.