Auguste Carli was born on July 12, 1868 in Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, and many of his works can be seen in Marseille itself and in the Bouches-du-Rhône and Gard regions. This list attempts to cover his recorded works.
The working model in plaster was shown at the Paris Salon in 1902 and it was purchased for the Marseille Musée des Beaux-Arts. Carli made two maquettes of the work, one with the angel's wings spread and the second with wings folded.
"Ceux qui pieusement sont morts pour la patrie/ont droit qu'à leur cercueil la foule vienne et prie;/entre les plus beaux noms leur nom est le plus beau/La voix d'un peuple entier les berce en leur tombeau"!
Carli's haut relief on the right hand support comprises a female allegory for Nîmes urging a man in working clothes to enlist. The allegorical figure wears a crown depicting the Maison Carrée. By the man's side his wife holds a new-born child. In the relief on the left, the war is over, and the victors pay hommage to the dead. The female allegory now holds a wreath, and below her are three citizens, a soldier and a young girl carry flowers whilst a bare chested working man in apron and wearing clogs offers a wreath. They look towards the centre of the arch and the crypt.
The cemetery here has several sculptures by Auguste Carli.