This page lists published welding codes, procedures, and specifications.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) covers all aspects of design and manufacture of boilers and pressure vessels. All sections contain welding specifications, however most relevant information is contained in the following:
The American Welding Society (AWS) publishes over 240 AWS-developed codes, recommended practices and guides which are written in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) practices. The following is a partial list of the more common publications:
The American Petroleum Institute (API) oldest and most successful programs is in the development of API standards which started with its first standard in 1924. API maintains over 500 standards covering the oil and gas field. The following is a partial list specific to welding:
Standards Australia is the body responsible for the development, maintenance and publication of Australian Standards. The following is a partial list specific to welding:
The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) is responsible for the development, maintenance and publication of CSA standards. The following is a partial list specific to welding:
British Standards are developed, maintained and published by BSI Standards which is UK's National Standards Body. The following is a partial list of standards specific to welding:
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed over 18500 standards and over 1100 new standards are published every year. The following is a partial list of the standards specific to welding:
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) had issued numerous standards covering welding processes, which unified and replaced former national standards. Of the former national standards, those issued by BSI and DIN were widely used outside their countries of origin. After the Vienna Agreement with ISO, CEN has replaced most of them with equivalent ISO standards (EN ISO series).