This list of sequenced plant genomes contains plant species known to have publicly available complete genome sequences that have been assembled, annotated and published. Unassembled genomes are not included, nor are organelle only sequences. For all kingdoms, see the list of sequenced genomes.
Unicellular photosynthetic eukaryotes.
scaffold N50 16.2 Kbp
scaffold N50
total coverage ~3x (Sanger)
92.1% unigenes mapped
235Mbp anchored (of this 161Mbp also oriented)
coverage 108.6x
contig N50 26.38 kbp
Scaffold N50 2.38 Mbp
genome covered 83.2%
~97% ESTs mapped
13.5x coverage
contig N50: 18.1kbp
scaffold N50: 4.677 Mbp
scaffold N50 1,140kbp
total coverage ~72.2 (Sanger + Ilumina)
96.8% unigenes mapped
72.8% of the genome anchored
Scaffold N50:47.8Mbp
Sanger coverage ~8x
955.1 Mbp assembled
39x coverage
scafold N50 1,542.7 (kbp??)
total coverage ~16.9x (Sanger + 454)
71.2% anchored
ca 99% ESTs mapped
215.9 Mbp in pseudomolecules
Contig N50:552.8 Kbp [phytozome]
>=95 % cDNA found
Contig N50 = 45.5 Kbp
Pseudomolecules spanning 91 scaffolds (760Mbp of which 594Mbp have been oriented )
over 98% ESTs mappable
contig N50: 5100bp
~40x coverage
79.2x coverage
contig N50: 31,429bp
scaffold N50: 1,318,511bp
105x coverage
contig N50: 6,506bp
scaffold N50: 44,298bp
63x coverage
contig N50: 16,480bp
scaffold N50:89,778bp
>93% unigenes found
scaffold N50: 79.7 kbp
194kbp superscaffolds using physical Nicotiana map
scaffold N50: 82.6 kb
166kbp superscaffolds using physical Nicotiana map
(a) cv. CM334 (b) cv. Zunla-1
(b) 35,336
(b) 2014
N50 scaffold: (a) 2.47 Mb (b) 1.23 Mb
N50 scaffold: 0.45 Mb
100x coverage
scaffold N50: 62.4Mbp
Sanger, 8.5x coverage
Roche 454/Illumina WGS
Illumina WGS
scaffold N50: 76kbp
Sanger, 4-6x coverage per BAC
N50 scaffold: 1.3 Mb
the genome from Galdieria sulphuraria has finally been published (Schönknecht, G., W.-H. Chen, et al. (2013). "Gene transfer from bacteria and archaea facilitated evolution of an extremophilic eukaryote." Science 339(6124): 1207-1210.) Genome size is 13.7 MB, and 6623 protein-coding genes were annotated.
Nakamura et al. published the genome sequence for Pyropia yezoensis (Nakamura, Y., N. Sasaki, et al. (2013). "The first symbiont-free genome sequence of marine red alga, Susabi-nori Pyropia yezoensis." PLoS ONE 8(3): e57122.).