This is a list of oil refineries. The Oil & Gas Journal also publishes a worldwide list of refineries annually in a country-by-country tabulation that includes for each refinery: location, crude oil daily processing capacity, and the size of each process unit in the refinery. For some countries, the refinery list is further categorized state-by-state. The list appears in one of their December issues. It is about 45 pages in length, and updated each year with additions, deletions, name changes, capacity changes and other refinements.
Data from:
Template:BASHANDYOIL fossil crude oil refinery of 300,000 barrels per day, located at El Sokna, Suez, over looking the red sea . easy to locate on Google earth ( under construction )
MIB Group for Investment and Industry with a multi-national Oil Company planning to invest in new Oil & Gas Project in MENA territory
This section is incomplete and needs work
Al Zour Refinery Kuwait National Petroleum Company|KNPC] 610,000 bbl/day (under construction)
Refineries with capacity more than 20,000 bbl/d (3,200 m3/d)
As of January 2015[update], there are 137 operating oil refineries in the United States per the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).