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List of non-marine molluscs of the Netherlands

This list of non-marine molluscs of the Netherlands is a list of all molluscs other than the marine (salt water) species that live in the Netherlands. This list comprises land snails and slugs, freshwater snails and freshwater clams and mussels. There are 197 non-marine mollusc species living in natural habitats in the Netherlands.

There are 169 gastropod (snail and slug) species (52 freshwater and 117 land species), and 28 freshwater bivalve (clams and mussel) species living in the wild.

As for introduced species, there are 23 introduced gastropod species (2 freshwater and 21 land species plus Candidula unifasciata as possibly non-indigenous one), and 4 bivalve species, living in natural habitats in the Netherlands. A total of 5 freshwater non-indigenous species live in natural habitats.

Summary table of number of species

There are 4 locally extinct species in the Netherlands: the marine gastropod Rissoa membranacea, land gastropod Spermodea lamellata, and freshwater bivalves Unio crassus and Pisidium tenuilineatum.

This list includes only orders, families and species. (Non-indigenous species only occurring greenhouses in the Netherlands are noted separately, below the main list.)

The source for this list is: CLECOM-PROJECT: Checklist of species-group taxa of continental Mollusca living in the Netherlands (CLECOM Section I) 14-07-2002

These species do not live in the wild or are not recorded in the wild yet, but live in greenouses and similar biotopes.

List (alphabetically according scientific name):

