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List of molluscs recorded in Slovakia

Slovakia is a land-locked country, and therefore the molluscs of Slovakia are all land and freshwater species. There are 247 species of molluscs living in the wild in Slovakia. In addition there are 9 gastropod species living only in greenhouses.

There are a total of 219 species of gastropods, which breaks down to 51 species of freshwater gastropods, and 168 species of land gastropods, plus 28 species of bivalves living in the wild.

There are 8 non-indigenous species of gastropods (3 freshwater and 5 land species) and 3 species of bivalves in the wild in Slovakia. This is a total of 6 freshwater non-indigenous species of wild molluscs.

There are 2 extinct species in Slovakia (locally extinct): Theodoxus transversalis and Esperiana esperi.

There are endemic species of molluscs in Slovakia:

Grid distribution maps of all species were made by Lisický (1991).

A faunal list by Čejka et al. (2007) included 245 species. A list by Horsák et al. (2010) included 247 species.

The list is in zoological order rather than alphabetical order. Freshwater gastropods in the Slovakia include:

Land gastropods in Slovakia include:

Freshwater bivalves in Slovakia include:

These 9 species do not live in the wild or are not recorded in the wild yet, but they live in greenhouses and similar biotopes as "hothouse alien" species. All 9 of them are gastropods.

List (alphabetically according scientific name):

Undescribed species of Slovakia include Hauffenia sp. nov. (not counted in this list).

Lists of molluscs of surrounding countries:

