These are the members of the 15th Congress of the Philippines. The 15th Congress convened on July 26, 2010 and will adjourn around June 2013. Senators elected on the 2007 Senate election and senators elected on the 2010 Senate election comprise the Senate while representatives elected on the 2010 House of Representatives election comprise the House of Representatives.
*Senators are voted on a nationwide at-large basis.
The term of office of the members of the House of Representatives will be from June 30, 2010 to June 30, 2013. The political party stated is the one that the member is currently a member of, which may be different from the one where the member ran under during the elections, or even from the one stated on the ballot.
These are the changes in membership after the proclamation of winners:
A vacant seat can only be filled up on a special election held on the day of the next regular election.
These are the vacant seats in Congress: