This is a list of the members of Stortinget, the Norwegian parliament, in the period 2001 to 2005. The members (Norwegian: stortingsrepresentanter) were elected in the Norwegian parliamentary election of 10 September 2001.
The parliament convened on 22 October 2001, and the term ended on 30 September 2005.
Members to Stortinget are elected based on party-list proportional representation in plural member constituencies (Norwegian: forholdstallsvalg i flermannskretser). This means that representatives from different political parties, are elected from each constituency. The constituencies are identical to the 19 counties of Norway.
The electorate does not vote for individuals but rather for party lists, with a ranked list of candidates nominated by the party. This means that the person on top of the list will get the seat unless the voter alters the ballot. Parties may nominate candidates from outside their own constituency, and even Norwegian citizens currently living abroad.
The Sainte-Laguë method is used for allocating parliamentary seats to parties. As a result, the percentage of representatives is roughly equal to the nationwide percentage of votes. Still, a party with a high number of votes in only one constituency can win a seat there even if the nationwide percentage is low. In this election, this happened with the Coastal Party. Conversely, if a party's initial representation in Stortinget is proportionally less than it share of votes, the party may seat more representatives through leveling seats (Norwegian: utjevningsmandater), provided that the nationwide percentage is above the election threshold (Norwegian: sperregrense), currently at 4%. In 2001, eight seats were allocated via the leveling system.