The following is a sortable list of living cardinals in the Catholic Church. For example, to see the cardinals listed alphabetically by country, click on the box at the top of the "Country" column. Cardinals aged over 80 years on the day the papacy falls vacant cannot participate in a papal conclave, so those born before 26 April 1937 could not participate if the Papacy fell vacant today.
The indication of "country" is that given by the press office of the Holy See "according to nations".
The person who has been a cardinal the longest is Roger Etchegaray, who was elevated by Pope John Paul II on 30 June 1979.
As of 22 April 2017:
The College of Cardinals is divided into three orders: Cardinal-Bishops, Cardinal-Priests and Cardinal-Deacons, with precedence in that order. Sorting the table by order will sort by precedence, including within each order. The number of cardinals eligible to vote appears in parentheses.
Countries with more than one cardinal eligible to vote if the papacy were to fall vacant today are Italy (24), the United States (10), France (5), Brazil (4), India (4), Mexico (4), Spain (4), Poland (4), Canada (3), Germany (3), Argentina (2), the Philippines (2), Portugal (2) and Venezuela (2). Those 14 countries would account for 73 cardinal-electors. Another 44 cardinals would each be his country's sole cardinal-elector.
214 out of 222 cardinals (113 out of 117 cardinal-electors) belong to the Latin church, which accounts for 98% of all Catholic believers. Of 222 cardinals, 8 (3.60%) belong to one of the Eastern Catholic Churches; of 117 cardinal-electors, 4 (3.42%) belong to such a Church.
The four cardinal-electors are:
The other four cardinals are: