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List of fictional places in Yes Minister

This list of fictional places in Yes Minister elaborates on the details provided in Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn's Yes Minister and The Complete Yes Minister, the diary-based novelisation of the series.

Buranda is a fictional West African LDC (less developed country, later known as a developing country) that features in the second episode of Yes Minister ("The Official Visit") and (briefly) in Yes, Prime Minister ("A Conflict of Interest"). Formerly British Equatorial Africa, it is referred to privately by James Hacker as a "TPLAC" (tin-pot little African country), much to Sir Humphrey's consternation.

Buranda's leader in both episodes is Colonel Selim Mohammed, previously Charlie Umtali prior to his conversion to Islam. The first storyline hinges on Hacker's former association (as a fellow alumnus of the London School of Economics) with Mohammed, which he tries to use (on Sir Humphrey's urging) to avoid a diplomatically-embarrassing speech to an audience including the Queen. In the second, the Burandan president and his business associates are implicated in financial improprieties that could result in a run on the British pound.

Buranda's location is a little ambiguous: where the novelisation places it in Ghana, the actual episode (on a news report) suggests Equatorial Guinea, a former Spanish colony. Buranda's flag is a horizontal tricolour of yellow, orange and red.

Buranda is also the name of a real Brisbane locality.

