These are fictional fraternities and sororities from media such as film, novels and role playing games. If the fictional organization name is derived from another organization, it is included. ΤΓΩTau Gamma Omega founded on September 12th, 2016. Professionally established on September 8th, 2017. It is the newest of the fraternities and is open to anyone who wears fraternal clothing on Fridays.
Various fraternities and sororities with some "Greek" characters unique to Monstropolis and the Monster world:
Fraternities and sororities:
It could be mimicking an African-American social fellowship fraternity known as Groove Phi Groove (G Φ G) founded at Morgan State College in 1962. It has several chapters located on small college campuses throughout the South and on a handful of Historical Black Colleges and Universities campuses.
Rho Sigma (ΡΣ) (Rigma)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology