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List of descendants of George V

This is a complete list of every known descendant of King George V, the founder of the House of Windsor. The list includes deceased members, members who have become Catholic, royal and non-royal, legitimate and illegitimate members openly acknowledged by their parents. The table includes generational data and birthdays and image data. The list is meant to be more comprehensive than the line of succession to the British throne which is only a list of living, legitimate, non-Catholic or married to a Catholic, descendants of George V's sons.


This list is complete as of 16 January 2016. King George V, creator of the House of Windsor has 101 known descendants in five generations. Out of the known descendants, 1 is currently the monarch and 71 family members are in the line of succession. Members who are (1) Catholic or (2) illegitimate or legitimated by marriage are excluded by peerage regulations. Spouses are not included in the list.

Most of the first generation of illegitimate children on this table are all legitimatio per matrimonium subsequens or legitimated by subsequent marriage. Under British law, they and their descendants are forever excluded from the line of succession. In some cases they are also excluded from other titles. Other monarchies are different. Monaco, for instance recognises children so legitimated as eligible for the throne. Suspected illegitimate children not openly acknowledged by members of the family are not included in the table.

The Catholics are from three families.

The House of Windsor was created from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (a minor branch of the House of Wettin). Officially, Edward VII was the only British monarch to rule as a member of this house. George V is considered to be a member of the House of Windsor. The 6 living descendants of Lady Maud Duff are considered part of the extended British Royal family.

