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List of countries by number of broadband Internet subscriptions

Worldwide broadband subscriptions
  2007 2010 2014a
World population 6.6 billion 6.9 billion 7.2 billion
Fixed broadband 5% 8% 10%
Developing world 2% 4% 6%
Developed world 18% 24% 27%
Mobile broadband 4% 11% 32%
Developing world 1% 4% 21%
Developed world 19% 43% 84%
a Estimate.
Source: International Telecommunications Union.
Broadband subscriptions by region
  Fixed subscriptions:    2007 2010 2014a  
Africa 0.1% 0.2% 0.4%
Americas 11% 14% 17%
Arab States 1% 2% 3%
Asia and Pacific 3% 6% 8%
Commonwealth of
Independent States
Europe 18% 24% 28%
  Mobile subscriptions:    2007 2010 2014a  
Africa 0.2% 2% 19%
Americas 6% 23% 59%
Arab States 0.8% 5% 25%
Asia and Pacific 3% 7% 23%
Commonwealth of
Independent States
Europe 15% 29% 64%
a Estimate.
Source: International Telecommunications Union.

This article contains a sortable list of countries by number of broadband Internet subscriptions and penetration rates, using data compiled by the International Telecommunication Union.

The list includes figures for both fixed wired broadband subscriptions and mobile cellular subscriptions:

Penetration rate is the percentage (%) of a country's population that are subscribers. A dash (—) is shown when data for 2012 is not available. Non-country and disputed areas are shown in italics. Taiwan is listed as a sovereign country.

Note: Because a single Internet subscription may be shared by many people and a single person my have more than one subscription, the penetration rate will not reflect the actual level of access to broadband Internet of the population and penetration rates larger than 100% are possible.

