The Warriors novel series is written by Erin Hunter. Due to the large number of characters present in the novel series, this list is divided by Clan, e.g., all characters in ThunderClan are listed together.
Each cat has a prefix. Eg: Dawn, Violet, Ice etc. As a young kit they will have -kit at the end of their name. Eg: Dawnkit Violetkit Icekit. When they are an apprentice -paw will be at the end of their name. Eg: Dawnpaw Violetpaw Icepaw. When that cat is a warrior or medicine cat they will have a suffix. Eg: -fur -pelt -cloud -flame -wing -song etc. Eg: Dawnpelt Violetflame Iceheart. That is if they are in one of the clans like ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, Skyclan. However if they are in The Tribe of Rushing Water they do not have -kit or -paw as their suffix. Their mother will name them after the first thing the mother sees after giving birth. So there will be lots of cats in The Tribe of Rushing Water named Wall of Cave or Floor of Cave or Roof of Cave.
The way gender is denoted in Warriors is somewhat similar to how they are denoted for wolves. Females are called she-cats, and males are called toms. She-cat kits are referred to as she-kits in the novels. Tom kits are referred to as just kits.
ThunderClan is named after its first leader and founder, Thunder, and is the main Clan of the Warriors series, as all four series' protagonists are ThunderClan cats. During the original series, ThunderClan resides in the forest, sandwiched between RiverClan and ShadowClan on each side. They share very little territory borders with WindClan, and as such most of the trouble ThunderClan is forced to deal with originates either from RiverClan or ShadowClan (mostly ShadowClan). ThunderClan cats are accustomed to stalking through the thick underbrush of the forest, and are the sole users of the "hunter's crouch", a stalking technique used to hunt most forest-born prey in which a cat crouches down, stores energy in hind legs, and springs onto the target. Their main diet includes mice, voles, squirrels, rabbits, thrushes, magpies, birds, bird eggs, and shrews. Sometimes a warrior will have to eat a rat or Twoleg food.
ThunderClan, along with the other Clans, undergoes a dramatic shift in territory during the course of the New Prophecy series. During the time that Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw and the others are on their journey, much of ThunderClan's territory is destroyed as the Twolegs proceed with their deforestation of the area. Eventually ThunderClan and the other Clans are able to relocate to the lake territory, the ThunderClan camp of which is set in an abandoned quarry. The camp is protected by high walls of stone, but the surrounding territory is similar to the forest in which ThunderClan previously inhabited. As such, their sources of prey remain largely unchanged from the original series. Like many of the other Clans, ThunderClan's role is largely undefined in this series, due to the drastic changes all Clans are forced to undergo and adapt to. Some ThunderClan cats include: Firestar, Bramblestar, Leafpool, Sandstorm, Spottedleaf, Graystripe, Dovewing, Ivypool, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf.