The Japanese manga series You're Under Arrest features a cast of characters by Kosuke Fujishima. The series centers around two female police officers, Miyuki Kobayakawa and Natsumi Tsujimoto, who have different personalities, and their activities involving Bokuto Station.
Voiced by: Bin Shimada (Japanese); Marc Matney (English) Ken Nakajima (中嶋 剣 Nakajima Ken?) is a motorcycle patrol officer stationed in Bokuto Precinct who is such a gifted rider that he might have a successful racing career if he wanted it. Ken is strong, tough and handsome but at the same time, was terribly shy. He and Miyuki share strong feelings for each other, but have difficulties expressing them. He is the only son of Daimaru Nakajima (who manages a motorbike shop called ZAPPER) and the stepson of his teenaged stepmom Sena Wakabayashi. Details on his mother was not revealed, but it is known that his father became a widower before the OVA and first season series started. His peers call him "White Hawk" for his skills as a motorbike officer in chasing down various offenders. His family was from the Mie Prefecture.
Ken, through the anime and live action versions, uses various motorbikes in and out of police work. He uses a Suzuki GSX-R750 fitted with sirens and horns meant for police use in the TV series and a Kawasaki ZX-9R in the movie . He used a Kawasaki KLE-500 when he tried to chase down a high-speeding offender in the OVA. When off-duty, he uses a Yamaha V-Max. The only exception is in the drama version when Ken is seen using a Honda motorbike.
He is portrayed in the live action by actor Kazushige Nagashima.