What's with Andy? is a Canadian animated series that aired from 2001 to 2007. It was originally an interactive Flash movie with completely different voice actors and a promotion for Fox Kids. Shortly after, a TV series was developed with new voice actors and it aired on Teletoon. The series was produced by CinéGroupe. It was based on a series of books written by Andy Griffiths and illustrated by Terry Denton, which was entitled "Just...".
What's with Andy? has 78 episodes, divided into three seasons, consisting of 26 episodes each, with the series ending on March 4, 2007. The first episode aired on September 22, 2001.
101 Underpants: When Andy loses his pants in front of the whole school, he decides to "pants" the whole school.
Emergency Spew Relish: Andy tries to evacuate a whole train car by stinking everyone out. That fails so he has to resort to other means including pretending to vomit with the aid of corn relish.
Very Bad Idea: At the school science fair, Andy steals a weather balloon for a joy ride.
Road Trip: The Larkins decide to go to the carnival, on the way Andy annoys them, they turn around and leave him at home. He is determined to go to the carnival no matter what it takes. He gets there and surprises his family in the middle of getting their picture taken.
Little Foot: Andy, with the help of his friend Danny, trick everyone in the town into thinking there is an actual "Little Foot" monster, and that this monster is actually stealing everyone's socks.