The following is a list of episodes of the Ankama Animation cartoon television series Wakfu, which premiered on October 30, 2008. The show is based on a turn-based tactical MMORPG based on the series by the same name (although the show was into its second season by the time the game was finished) and airs on France 3.
Seasons 1 and 2 each have 26 episodes, their 52 combined with 5 specials brings the total to 57 episodes.
Part 1. Grougaloragran, a mysterious and ancient entity, appears one with a baby carriage. After defeating a mysterious foe with powers over time, who wants Grougaloragran's life force, or "Wakfu", Grougaloragran comes across Alibert, who is quitting his profession as a bounty hunter after almost taking a innocent man to jail. Grougaloragran leaves the baby carriage with Alibert, believing that he will be a good father to the baby inside. He also leaves a message for the adoptive father, along with a baby Tofu (Bird).
Part 2. The village is attacked by Polters, creatures that turn humans into shrubs, Yugo and his team go to the Forbidden Forest to find out why the Polters are doing this. Inside they encounter the ruler of the forest, the Soft Oak, who plans to turn all humans into trees in revenge for the destruction his forest has suffered. Amalia, a member of Yugo's party, convinces Soft Oak that not all men are like this and that only free men can protect the forests. She then heals him with magic and he agrees to turn the shrubs back into humans.
Lost, the group finds themselves in front of a tower belonging to four sisters who wish to find the perfect husband. Percedal, completely smitten just by the top of one of their heads, climbs up to get a kiss. When he gets to the top, he finds that the sisters are actually ugly because of a curse put on them after the picky girls had ridiculed every single suitor. To be cured, one of them must be kissed by a man, and they hold Percedal captive until they get their kiss.
Amalia is bitten by a poisonous Red Rose. Ruel says that his old friend, an Eniripsa named Nausica, lives nearby and can help heal her. They learn that the only cure to a Red Rose bite is sap from the rare Severum tree, which is located deep in the nearby Maleficent forest. Ruel and Yugo leave to gather the sap while Percedal and Eva stay behind to help care for Amalia. Not long after Ruel and Yugo leave, Amalia's doll goes berserk, attacking Nausea, Percedal, and Eva. It merges with Rubilax, turning into a monstrous demon. The trio overpower it, forcing Rubilax out and cutting the doll up into pieces, but the pieces turn into other dolls and attack in masses.