Sunrise's anime series Valvrave the Liberator features several fictional characters designed by manga artist Katsura Hoshino. Set in the futuristic 71st Year of the True Calendar, the series follows Haruto Tokishima a high school student from the faction of JIOR who pilots an advanced mecha known as Valvrave 01 to defeat the hostile Dorssian forces invading his home. In order to defend themselves from the enemies who wish the Valvrave, Haruto's childhood friend Shōko Sashinami convinces her school mates to become an independent nation, the New JIOR. Across the fights against the Dorssia forces, Haruto gains new allies including the Dorssia agent L-elf who wishes to bring a revolution to his country, former idol Saki Rukino who becomes the Valvrave 04 pilot, school mates Kyūma Inuzuka and Raizo Yamada who wish to avenge their comrades using the Valvraves as well as the isolated girl Akira Renbokoji who becomes the final Valvrave pilot to protect Shoko.
The New JIOR is a nation composed of students from the former JIOR who are forced to become independent as the forces of Dorssia and ARUS are chasing them to obtain the mecha Valvrave. As the series progresses, it is revealed all the students were experimented from an early age to operate the machines and become immortals.
Haruto Tokishima (時縞 ハルト? Tokishima Haruto) is a high school student who always tries to avoid conflict, claiming that fighting is not the best way to deal with issues. He is thus displayed as an extremely kind hearted individual. During the Dorssian invasion, his friend Shoko presumably gets struck by a Dorssian mech, urging him to seek revenge with the mysterious humanoid weapon called the Valvrave. After learning that Shoko survived, he chooses not to declare his feelings for her, deeming himself unfit to be with her as a result of the Valvrave's effect on him. The Valvrave gives him a berserker state where he tries to bite other people and feed on their "Runes", their DNA. This curse also gives him special regenerative capabilities that allow him to survive wounds that could be fatal to ordinary humans, as well as the ability to transfer his consciousness into another person's body, by biting a person's bare skin, leaving his own body lying unconscious until he returns to it. The more Haruto pilots the Valvrave, the more memories he loses with the loss of all leading him to his death. Haruto's secret of his nature causes Shoko to sell him to Arus to negotiate for the lives of New JIOR students. Nevertheless, Haruto realizes he still cherishes mankind and agrees to work with L-elf to build a world where everyone including humans and Magius can live in peace. In revealing the truth behind the Magius, Haruto uses his last Runes in order to defeat Dorssia commander Cain Dressel. After L-elf admits that Haruto is his friend, he lightly taps L-elf's face, smiling to him as he dies. He is voiced by Ryōta Ōsaka.