Urusei Yatsura is a manga series by Rumiko Takahashi that was later adapted into an anime series. The series was adapted by Kitty Films into a 195 episode TV series that aired from October 14, 1981 to March 19, 1986 on Fuji Television. With the exception of episodes 10 and 11, the first 21 episodes were composed of two stories. The series aired on October 14, 1981 with the two part episode "I'm Lum-chan the Notorious!" / "It's Raining Oil All Over Town". The first 106 episodes were directed by Mamoru Oshii and the remainder by Kazuo Yamazaki.Urusei Yatsura concluded about five years later on March 19, 1986 with the 195th episode "All-Star Banquet! We Are Immortal!!". The 194th episode "Urusei Yatsura Immediate Farewell Special - Shine!! Planet Uru Award" is a repeat of episode 44 "After You've Gone" with a special introduction and best episode countdown before the episode.
Six opening theme songs and nine closing themes were used during the series.Lum no Love Song (ラムのラブソング) was used as the opening theme for the first 77 episodes. It was replaced by Dancing Star for episodes 78 to 106.Pajama Jama da! (パジャマ・じゃまだ!) was used for episodes 107 to 127, and Chance on Love was used for episodes 128 to 149. The final 2 opening themes were Rock the Planet for episodes 150 to 165 and Tonogata Gomen Asobase (殿方ごめん遊ばせ) for the remaining episodes. A total of 9 ending themes were used. The first ending theme was Uchuu wa Taihen da! (宇宙は大ヘンだ) which was used for the first 21 episodes. It was replaced by Kokorobosoi na (心細いな) for episodes 22 to 43 and by Hoshizora Cycling (星空サイクリング) for episodes 44 to 54.I, I, You and Ai was used for episodes 55 to 77, and Yume wa Love me More (夢はLove me More) was used for episodes 78 to 106.Koi no Mobius (恋のメビウス) was used for episodes 107 to 127, and Open Invitation was used for episodes 128 to 149. The final two ending themes were Every Day for episodes 150 to 165, and Good Luck for the remainder of the series.