Underbelly: The Golden Mile is a thirteen-part Australian television mini-series chronicling organised crime in Sydney's King's Cross from 1988 to 1999. The third in the Underbelly franchise, after the original series and A Tale of Two Cities (primarily featuring crime syndicates in the 90s and the 70s and 80s respectively), is also based on real events documented by Age journalists, John Silvester and Andrew Rule. The Golden Mile began screening on the Nine Network on 11 April 2011. The initial two episodes and the first two episodes shown after the Easter break were broadcast back-to-back as telemovies (this also occurred during the second series). The third series features the linked - but not directly interweaving - stories of two young Australians, Kim Hollingsworth and John Ibrahim, who come to "The Golden Mile" (the colloquial name of Darlinghurst Road in King's Cross) in search of a different direction in their lives. During this period, the corruption in the New South Wales police force (the beginnings of which were depicted in A Tale of Two Cities) becomes rife. Upon the instigation of the Wood Royal Commission, longstanding and new wave criminals, corrupt and straight police all alike scramble - and struggle - to maintain a hold of power in The Cross. Of note, this was the first edition in the Underbelly series to not be produced in conjunction with a Federal Government funding body; the first two series were developed with aid from the Australian Film Finance Corporation, Film Victoria and Screen Australia.