Transformers: Prime is a computer animated television series which premiered on November 29, 2010, on Hub Network, Hasbro's and Discovery's joint venture, which began broadcasting on October 10, 2010, in the United States. The series was also previewed on Hub Network on November 26, 2010, as a one-hour special. Transformers: Prime was renewed for a second season, which premiered on February 18, 2012, also on Hub Network. The third and final season premiered on March 22, 2013.
Megatron sends Starscream and Airachnid to the site of a crashed Decepticon ship to recover the Immobilizer, a powerful weapon with the ability to freeze Transformers in their tracks. But after the Autobots discover that Starscream has been double-crossed by Airachnid, they are surprised when Starscream states that he wishes to join them...
With the help of information from Starscream, the Autobots commandeer the Decepticons' space bridge to send Jack and Arcee to the Transformers' home world of Cybertron, with a plan to use the information stored in Vector Sigma to restore Optimus' memories. Meanwhile, after a run-in with Starscream (whom Megatron claimed was dead), Orion wonders if Megatron is telling him the whole truth.
On Cybertron, while searching for Vector Sigma, Jack and Arcee are attacked by an Insecticon and a swarm of Scraplets. On the Nemesis, Orion becomes ever more curious about who he really is, so he begins to rebel against Megatron and uncover the elaborate lies put in front of him. Later, Megtron distracted by Arcee fails to prevent Jack from endowing the knowledge acquired from the Vector Sigma, and Optimus regains his lost memory but loses what he had acquired during his stay on the 'Nemesis'
Wheeljack returns to Earth in pursuit of the Decepticon Dreadwing, Skyquake's twin brother who is responsible for the death of the Wrecker Seaspray, and asks for Team Prime's help in apprehending him. While Bulkhead is excited about seeing his best friend again, Optimus Prime soon becomes concerned with Wheeljack's recklessness, aggression, and disregard for civilians during their search for Dreadwing.