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List of Tracey Takes On... episodes

The following is an episode guide for Tracey Takes On....

Each episode's long sketches are written in bold. Those not summarized in bold represent short character monologues.

"Cut sketches" are those sketches that were either filmed but ended up on the cutting room floor, or sketches that were written but ultimately ditched before filming. These "cut sketches" have been confirmed by official web sites, various media outlets, and series scripts.

Writers: Tracey Ullman. Jerry Belson, Dick Clement, Kim Fuller, Jenji Kohan, Ian LaFrenais, Molly Newman, Gail Parent, Tony Sheehan, Allan J. Zipper.

Opening voice-over: Romance... Cupid... arrow... Paris... chocolates... saccharine... sugar rush... sappy... Loveboat... Casablanca... this is a fine romance...

Rayleen talks about her husband Mitch, a little person. Mrs. Noh Nang Ning explains how romance is like doughnuts. Virginia reveals the one great romance of her life. Hope fantasies about a man in a coffee shop. Chic talks about dating in Los Angeles. Fern visits her husband Harry in the hospital. Chris is determined to go public with her relationship with pro-golfer, Midge Dexter (Julie Kavner). Harry (Michael Tucker) agrees to retire and move to Florida with Fern. Linda sings "A Fine Romance."

Opening voice-over: Charity... begins at home... faith, hope, and... donation... panhandler... pledge... all major credit cards... tax-free... Farm Aid... Live Aid... Deaf Aid... We Are The World... Sweet Charity.

Janie talks about feeding the homeless. Hope has been reading to the blind for so long that her voice is shot. Fern and Harry put together a charity benefit. Linda makes her directorial debut. Kay hires a homeless man (Cheech Marin). Ruby's gone to bed with men out of charity.

Opening voice-over: Nostalgia... déjà vu... Happy Days... sixties... Beatles... yesterday... Woodstock... Baby Boomers... old-fashioned... the wireless... black-and-white tv... LPs... for the record... nostalgia.

Janie attempts to be nostalgic. Kay is nostalgic for the original flavor of Metamucil. Anya tries to keep the past alive. Trevor remembers life as a gay man in the 1970s. Ruby takes part in a documentary about "The Epic That Never Was." Erin remembers recording her first album. Chic is nostalgic for the 1970s.

One-off characters: Anya (Russian Babushka); Laura Demerol; Alicia del Mar

Opening voice-over: Royalty... Crown Jewels... privilege... peasants... palaces... inbreeding... Miss America... royal jelly... Prince of Wales... Prince of Tides... Artist Formally Known As... royalty.

