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List of Torchwood comics

Below is a list of comics based on the British television series Torchwood.

Torchwood Magazine includes a 10-page Torchwood comic strip in each issue; issue 2 did not include the strip.

The comics stories in the magazine includes:

Toshiko manages to stop the Hub halfway to its destination by using the Rift Manipulator. It now hangs in a dark space. Jack tells Ianto and Gwen that the Harrowkind's distraction was so that a giant Rift storm could be generated to steal the Hub. When the Hub disappeared, so did all of the Harrowkind. However, Owen managed to deactivate and remove one of the recall devices from a dead soldier.

Owen and Gwen are investigating Rift activity at Cardiff Castle when they are suddenly trapped in a large vortex full of medieval knights. According to Toshiko however, they are all illusions as she is picking up nothing tangible at their location. Vox explains that some races such as The Sanctified can harness Rift energy for different means. Meanwhile, Owen is attacked by one of the knights and when Gwen tries to shoot it, the illusion shatters and they fall onto a giant teddy bear. Sitting next to the bear, watching a hologram of knights fighting, is a Zansi Baby; a huge humanoid infant. Vox reveals that the Zansi were a race subjugated by The Sanctified centuries ago because of their harness over Rift technology – for example, the creation of a safe environment for a Zansi Baby to mature in using Rift energy. The Baby's presence within the castle is put down to unstable Rift energy within The Sanctified's Empire – something they blame Torchwood for.

Whilst chasing a Weevil, the team encounter a Rift incursion opening in front of them. Vox runs forward and closes the incursion with a specially made gun developed by the Sanctified. However, both Jack and Gwen have disappeared. The Rift has taken Jack and Gwen back to a forest in the year 600 AD. In front of them lies a spacecraft, but as they approach it, they attacked by men with swords and arrows. They fight them off, but as they get closer, Gwen turns on Jack and tries to stop him getting to the ship. Meanwhile, Tosh and Vox work together to re-boost the signal using the gun and open the incursion once again to get Jack and Gwen out.

In 1918, Harriet Derbyshire is arranging to borrow a tank from an army captain. Meanwhile, Gerald Carter is infiltrating a ritual at an ancient circle of stones. However, he is discovered by one of the members of the cult who threaten to sacrifice him. They are interrupted by the arrival of Harriet in the tank. But suddenly, the stones around them begin to glow...
In the modern day, Torchwood and Vox are investigating the very same circle of stones. Jack tells the team that once every 90 years, the circles focus the Rift energy in the area. Jack wants to study the area to learn how to control the Rift and stop the Sanctified but Vox wants to destroy the circle so the Sanctified can't use it against them. An old man comes up to Toshiko and Ianto and claims to recognise them, saying they are both still so young "after all this time..." When Gwen tries to steer the man away from the site, he takes out a knife and reveals that he is the leader of the cult from 1918. Suddenly, the stones around them begin to glow...

