This list of Top Gear episodes consists of episodes from the 2002 format of the BBC television series Top Gear, conceived by Jeremy Clarkson and Andy Wilman. The first series of the revamped programme was presented by Clarkson, Richard Hammond and second-hand car specialist Jason Dawe. Dawe was replaced by James May for the second series, and the Clarkson, Hammond, May line-up, supported by The Stig, remained for 22 series. In addition, there have been two shorter episodes produced for charity: Top Gear of the Pops, produced for Red Nose Day, and Top Ground Gear Force, produced for Sport Relief. These two episodes are not part of the episode count. There was also an Ashes to Ashes parody for BBC Children in Need which is not included.
A 23rd series was commissioned and began airing on 29 May 2016. It was the first series following the departure of Clarkson, Hammond and May, with Chris Evans as main host. The Stig still features in the new series.
Following the resignation of Evans after the 23rd series, the presenting line-up includes Matt LeBlanc, Chris Harris and Rory Reid as the main presenters, whilst Eddie Jordan and Sabine Schmitz appear as occasional hosts.