Tiger & Bunny (タイガー&バニー Taigā Ando Banī) is an anime television series produced by Sunrise and directed by Keiichi Satou. The screenplay was written by Masafumi Nishida, with original character design by Masakazu Katsura. It is set in a futuristic city where heroes fight crime whilst promoting real life sponsors, focusing on two superheroes, the old-fashioned Kotetsu T. "Wild Tiger" Kaburagi and the rookie hero Barnaby "Bunny" Brooks Jr., as they are forced by their employers to work together.
The series aired on Tokyo MX between April 3, 2011 and September 18, 2011, also receiving simulcasts by Viz Media on Hulu and Anime News Network. An English-language version by Viz Media began broadcasting on the Neon Alley video service from October 2, 2012. A film adaptation, Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning, was released in September 22, 2012, with a second film, The Rising, released in February 8, 2014.
The series uses two pieces of opening theme music and two pieces of ending music. For episode one to thirteen, the opening is "Orion o Nazoru" (オリオンをなぞる, lit. Tracing Orion) by Unison Square Garden and the ending is "Hoshi no Sumika" (星のすみか, lit. Abode of Stars) by Aobozu. From episode fourteen onwards, the opening is "Missing Link" by Novels and the ending is "Mind Game" by Tamaki. For the first movie, the opening theme is "Earth Diver" (アースダイバー Āsu Daibā) by Novels whilst the ending theme is Linear Blue wo Kiki Nagara (リニアブルーを聴きながら Rinia Burū wo Kiki Nagara, lit. Whilst Listening to the Linear Blue) by Unison Square Garden. For the second movie the opening theme is "Nemesis" by Novels whilst the ending theme is "Harmonized Finale" by Unison Square Garden.