The Vicar of Dibley is a British sitcom which premiered on BBC One on 10 November, 1994. From 1994 to 1998, two series and two specials had been produced and broadcast. No further series were produced. Following this, a number of specials were broadcast. Over the seasonal period between Christmas 1999 and early 2000, four specials aired. This collection of specials are often referred to as the third series, however, it was not produced as an official series. Another four specials were aired between 2004/2005 and 2006/2007. The series ended on 1 January 2007. This was, however, followed by three short Comic Relief episodes, aired on 16 March 2007, 15 March 2013 and 13 March 2015. In all, 20 episodes and six shorter Comic Relief specials have been produced.
When Rev. Pottle, the 102-year-old vicar of Dibley's St Barnabas dies, the villagers eagerly await his replacement. To their shock, it turns out to be a woman. However, all the villagers grow to love their new vicar, except David Horton.
The Songs of Praise team come to Dibley to film in St Barnabas' Church. David is against the idea, and finds a surprise ally in Geraldine. However, she soon falls for the producer Tristan Campbell (played by Peter Capaldi). Guest starring Pam Rhodes as herself.
David runs for re-election to the local council, but faces competition when the villagers declare that they want the Vicar to run for election. However, she doesn't want to be a councillor, and agrees not to stand as long as he makes some election promises. Featuring the voice of Alistair McGowan.
As Easter comes to Dibley, the council members all give up things for Lent: Geraldine gives up chocolate, David tries to be nicer, Hugo has to stop lustful thoughts, Owen has to stop swearing, Letitia has to stop cooking "garbage", Frank has to stop being so precise with the Parish Council Meetings and Jim has to stop saying "No, no, no, no,no" before everything. Later, sadness comes to Dibley as Letitia Cropley dies and Geraldine has to take over as the Dibley Easter Bunny which involves dressing up in a bunny costume.
When Geraldine is invited to three separate Christmas dinners (she is later asked to a fourth), she hasn't the heart to turn them down so she has to go to all three, and on Christmas evening BBC producer Tristan Campbell (played by Peter Capaldi) comes round and asks the Vicar to marry him. Guest starring Orla Brady, Mel Giedroyc and Carol MacReady.