The Rockford Files is an American television drama series starring James Garner that aired on the NBC network between September 13, 1974, and January 10, 1980, and has remained in syndication to the present day. Garner portrays Los Angeles-based private investigator Jim Rockford with Noah Beery, Jr., in the supporting role of his father, a retired truck driver nicknamed "Rocky".
The series debuted with a made-for-TV movie simply titled The Rockford Files. During the series run, there were a number of two-part episodes, as well as long (90 or 120 minutes) episodes that were split into two parts for syndication (and on later DVD releases). Filming stopped in the middle of the sixth season (1979-1980), on the advice of star James Garner's doctor. Garner, who had filmed many of his own stunts, injured his back and knees.
In the 1990s, Rockford returned to the air in a series of eight TV movies on CBS.
James Garner (as Jim Rockford), Joe Santos (as Dennis Becker), and Stuart Margolin (as Angel Martin) all debut in their series roles. Also featured is Robert Donley as Joseph "Rocky" Rockford, a role that would be recast in the subsequent series.
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