The following is an episode list for the Disney Channel animated series The Replacements. The first episode aired on July 28, 2006, as a sneak preview, while the series originally started airing on September 8, 2006. The series ended in 2009 with a total of 52 episodes, as said by Dan Santat. The series finale, "Irreplaceable", aired on March 30, 2009.
Note: All episodes in Season 1 were directed by Heather Martinez
Todd and Riley decide to replace their old baseball coach with a new one that just happens to be a professional baseball player.
Riley replaces her strict scout leader with someone who will help them sell more jerky than their rival scout led by Sierra.
To impress Johnny Hitswell, Riley replaces a one-cut hairdresser with one that will give her a complete makeover for the school dance.
After being beaten up by a bully named Donny Rottwieler, Todd replaces the school's not-so-helpful security guard with a security robot that gives Todd a bad reputation.
Riley's school journalism career takes a turn when she replaces her teacher with someone who encourages her to embarrass her family and her friends.
When Riley has always wanted a dream horse with talents like Thunderbolt, Dick buys Riley a mangy mule named Prince Cinnamon Boots from Sloan Stone who Riley replaces with the actual Thunderbolt.
Todd and Dick build a go cart together for an upcoming race. When Dick is terrible at it, Todd has him temporarily replaced with an ace mechanic.
Todd and Riley replace their unfun babysitter with an educational TV show host, who has no respect for the Daring home.
When Riley and Todd learn that a call to Fleemco did not replace their neighbors the Kelpmans (voiced by Chip Chinery and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn), they fear that their neighbors had turned into zombies and plan to do the same to trick-or-treaters.
Todd is failing German. To cover this up in order to go to the Fun-O-Sphere, Todd lies about his grade in German and replaces his German teacher with someone who only speaks German.
To impress Johnny Hitswell at the pool, Riley replaces the older pool life guard with a hunk (voiced by Zac Efron).
In order to help him take on Donny Rottwieler, Todd replaces his karate teacher with a professional who turns out to be one of Agent K's enemies.
Riley and Tasumi resort to wrestling to solve their friendship issues after Todd replaces the guidance counselor with a professional wrestler.