The Real Housewives of Orange County is an American reality television series that began airing March 21, 2006, and airs on Bravo. Set in Orange County, California, and created by Scott Dunlop, it is the first The Real Housewives installment in the franchise. The Real Housewives of Orange County is a voyeuristic look into the wealthy lives of these housewives, as they shop, get plastic surgery, gossip, fight and live lavishly. The financial crisis, the beginning of which coincided almost exactly with the first season's broadcast, has since trimmed the housewives' lifestyles with job losses, evictions, mortgage defaults, foreclosures, and marital stress—all recorded in progressive seasons of the show.
As of November 26, 2016[update], 189 original episodes of The Real Housewives of Orange County have aired.