The Real Housewives of Atlanta is an American reality television series that debuted October 7, 2008, and airs on Bravo. It is the third installment of The Real Housewives franchise with a peach serving as a symbol for the series, as the state of Georgia is a renowned peach growing area and one of the well-known streets in Atlanta is known as Peachtree Street. The series follows six women living in and around the Metro Atlanta area as they balance their home life, business ventures, and their social calendars as a production crew follows their everyday activities. The cast of the tenth season include Kandi Burruss, Cynthia Bailey, Kenya Moore, Porsha Williams, Shereé Whitfield and NeNe Leakes. As of April 2013, The Real Housewives of Atlanta is the highest rated installment of the franchise as well as the most-watched series on the Bravo network.
As of May 14, 2017
190 original episodes of The Real Housewives of Atlanta episodes have aired over nine seasons.The Atlanta ladies are back in the drama-filled second season premiere. Shereé decides to throw herself an "Independence Party" to celebrate her recent divorce, while Lisa and her husband discuss the idea of having another baby. The ladies attend actress and comedian Niecy Nash's birthday party, where Shereé and NeNe reflect on their tumultuous past. Kim decides she wants to design a line of wigs, and gets the ball rolling by going to cosmetology school. New housewife Kandi contemplates her new life with fiance AJ, while Sheree's party plans start to go awry.
In part 2 of the reunion special the ladies discuss future of NeNe and Kim's friendship, if Sheree and Kim can bury the hatchet and if Lisa and Ed will have any more kids.
Gossip spreads fast when Kim reveals her lesbian affair in the tabloids, and NeNe rekindles her roller coaster relationship with Kim just in time to get the inside scoop. NeNe’s got drama of her own — her marriage is on the rocks and her old friend Dwight has been spreading rumors behind her back. Shereé pursues her long-time dream of becoming an actress and Kandi starts getting back into the dating scene. NeNe, Kim and Sheree hit up a couture shoe event and run into new housewife Phaedra – the pregnant, classy, but sassy attorney-to-the-stars, who arrives with her old pal Dwight.