The Powerpuff Girls is an American animated television series created by Craig McCracken for Cartoon Network. The series began as a student film called Whoopass Stew, made by McCracken while he attended the California Institute of the Arts in 1992. Two additional shorts, "Meat Fuzzy Lumpkins" and "Crime 101", later aired on Cartoon Network's World Premiere Toons. The series officially premiered on November 18, 1998, lasting 6 seasons with 78 episodes total. A Christmas special and a 10th anniversary special were also produced. Episodes of The Powerpuff Girls have seen numerous DVD and VHS releases as well. The episode "See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey" was never aired in the United States, but was broadcast on YTV in Canada as well as in other countries, and is included on the complete series DVD box set.
A short was made by Craig McCracken while he was in college at CalArts. It was submitted to the Cartoon Network, and the name was changed as it was deemed inappropriate for younger audiences. Four of them were created, though only one was finished. The other three pilots are presented on the Complete Series DVD set accompanied by the original storyboards and their original audio.
Monkey See, Doggie Do: Mojo Jojo robs a magical Anubis Dog Head and unleashes a curse that turns everyone into dogs, including the Powerpuff Girls, but the three sniff out a solution and show Mojo Jojo that their bite is worse than his bark.
Insect Inside: Vile villain Roach Coach plots to infest Townsville with his army of cockroaches. The girls quickly overcome their squirms to squash Roach Coach's scheme and force him to bug off.
Octi Evil: The heinous Him toys with Bubbles' mind by speaking to her through Octi, her favorite stuffed animal. Following it's instruction, Bubbles provokes a fight between her sisters that prompts the Professor to issue a time-out until the girls can make amends and make squid-meat out of the giant, Him-controlled Octi.