This page is a list of the episodes of The Outer Limits, a U.S. science fiction television series originally aired on the ABC television network for two seasons from 1963 to 1965.
In 1995, The Outer Limits was revived and ran for seven seasons. See also:
The following DVD sets were released by MGM Home Entertainment.
The first season originally aired on Monday at 7:30 pm.
After the Earth was attacked by the planet Ebon, a group of human soldiers is sent to fight the enemy on their own soil. Captured en route to Ebon, the soldiers undergo physical and psychological torture and interrogation at the hands of the Ebonites. The prisoners become paranoid when their captors claim they have received cooperation. This is further complicated by the appearance of high-ranking Earth officers among the hostile aliens.
Military forces have cordoned off a California ghost town awaiting the arrival of a spacecraft from the planet Zanti. The leaders of that world have decided that Earth is the perfect place to exile their undesirables. They threaten "total destruction" if their penal ship is harassed. Ben Garth, a bank robber on the run, unwittingly crosses into the cordoned-off area and approaches the Zanti ship, triggering a massive jailbreak. Earth's nervous soldiers attack the Zantis, killing them all, then fearfully await the expected reprisal. Instead, they receive a message from the Zanti leaders, thanking them. Since the Zanti cannot kill their own kind, they instead sent them to the galactic experts on killing — the humans of Earth.
The second season originally aired on Saturday at 7:30 pm. Eastern Time.