The Originals is an American fantasy-drama television series picked up by The CW for their fall 2013 schedule, after a backdoor pilot for the series aired as an episode of The CW television series The Vampire Diaries in April 2013. It is a spin-off of The Vampire Diaries, sharing a universe with its predecessor. It centers on three Mikaelson siblings, Klaus (Joseph Morgan), Elijah (Daniel Gillies), and Rebekah (Claire Holt), collectively known as "original vampires", or simply the "originals". The Originals is set in the city of New Orleans. It was created by Julie Plec.
The following is a list of series regulars who have appeared in one or more of the series' four seasons. The characters are listed in the order they were first credited in the series.
Niklaus Mikaelson, more commonly known as Klaus, is an original vampire, later the first hybrid.
Klaus, his father (later revealed to be his step-father), half-brothers and half-sister became the very first vampires after their mother, a witch, cast a spell on them in order to protect them from werewolves. It was later found out that his mother was adulterous, and Klaus' biological father was a werewolf, which makes Klaus the only original vampire-werewolf hybrid in existence. However, his werewolf powers were bound to the moonstone by a band of witches, which includes his mother. To release his werewolf powers a ritual, in which a werewolf, a vampire and a Petrova doppelgänger have to be sacrificed, has to take place. The first Petrova doppelgänger Klaus found was Katerina Petrova, but she escaped Klaus with the moonstone and hung herself in order to become a vampire so that she would be useless for the ritual. Klaus then wanted revenge on Katerina, causing her to spend centuries running from him.
Hundreds of years later, Klaus finds Katerina and Elena Gilbert, the next Petrova doppelgänger, through Isobel Flemming. He kidnaps Katerina and makes her torture herself. After collecting the moonstone, a werewolf, Jules, the Petrova dopplegänger, Elena, and turning Jenna Sommers into a vampire, he begins the ritual and his werewolf side is released. He later blackmails Stefan into helping him create more non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids, which he wants to create because he feels lonely, and turns him into a killer again. It is later revealed that he brought Stefan with him because they were once friends. After he finds out that he needs Elena's blood to create more non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids, he compels Stefan to stay in Mystic Falls to protect her, but also turns off his humanity. He also turns Tyler Lockwood into his first non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid. It is later found out that Klaus killed his own mother because she cast the spell on him that locked away his werewolf side and that therefore his step-father, Mikael, has been hunting him for centuries. After Damon un-daggers Elijah, who un-daggers Klaus' other half-siblings, and Bonnie Bennett and her mother are able to open up the tomb that holds Klaus' mother, Klaus is reunited with his entire family again. After saving Caroline Forbes' life by giving her his blood to heal her from Tyler's bite, he becomes interested in Caroline and invites her to the Original Vampires' ball, where they share a dance together. Bonnie later performs a desiccation spell to neutralise him, but he is later staked to death by Alaric. However, it is revealed that Bonnie cast a spell allowing him to inhabit Tyler's body. Thus forcing Tyler to leave his body. Then in the next season, Klaus forces Bonnie to put him back into his own body.