The Odd Couple is an American multi-camera television sitcom that premiered on February 19, 2015, on CBS. It is the seventh screen production based on the 1965 play written by Neil Simon, following the 1968 film, a 1970 television series, a 1975 Saturday morning cartoon, a 1982 reboot of the 1970 series, The Odd Couple: Together Again (a TV film reunion of the 1970 series) and The Odd Couple II (a 1998 sequel to the 1968 film).
This show stars Matthew Perry (also developing and executive producing the series) as the slovenly Oscar Madison and Thomas Lennon as the obsessively-tidy Felix Unger. Perry and Lennon have previously worked together on the film 17 Again. The show was announced in December 2013 and was picked up by CBS as a midseason offering for the 2014–15 season. On May 16, 2016 CBS renewed the show for a third season, which premiered on October 17, 2016 and contained 13 episodes.
As of January 30, 2017, 38 episodes of The Odd Couple have aired, concluding the third season.