The enigmatic anti-hero (and main protagonist) of the series, Azoth is the jaded product of a childhood spent on the streets scrounging to survive. Originally he is part of the Black Dragon Guild, a poorly established group of adolescent thieves, divided into 'Bigs' and 'Littles' (adolescents and young children). During the part of the novels spent in Azoth's youth, he is considered a 'Little'. There is quite a measure of foreshadowing in the strongly antithetical relationship between Azoth and Rat, the Fist (or second-in-command) of the Black Dragon who is out for revenge against Azoth for slights against him. Even though they have both seen the cruelest side of the world's face, Azoth chose to temper himself with a sense of justice, rightful vengeance, and mercy, whereas Rat fell to corruption and sadism. Early on Azoth displays the characteristics of a just young man born to the wrong circumstances. It has been discussed that the theme of the Night Angel is introduced during the initial book in the first three characters: Azoth, who represents vengeance, Jarl, who represents justice, and Elene/Doll Girl, who represents Mercy. These two influential characters shape Azoth to be who he is. Eventually the perceived weakness of inaction is left behind Azoth as he adopts his new persona of Kylar Stern. Azoth refers to a mythical substance found in Alchemy, capable of performing miraculous healing effects, but the novel refers to it as an old word for quicksilver and often comments that it is an unusual name for an orphan of the slum.
The identity Azoth assumes after apprenticing under Durzo Blint. As Durzo's apprentice, he learns the ways of a wetboy. Sent to the Drakes' to learn how to be a noble, he makes new friends and enemies. Kylar means "one who kills and who is killed" or "Undying Dier". The pun being that Kylar Stern means "The stern undying dier." For the most part, Kylar learns that he is what is called broken—meaning that he is unable to tap into his Talent even though his body holds an enormous amount of that magic. However, Kylar later learns that he is what is known as a ka'karifer—meaning that he was one of the few people who could bond with a ka'kari. The black ka'kari chooses him to be its new master and it grants him amazing powers, not the least of which is allowing him to tap into his long-hidden Talent by bridging the hole in his Talent. The black ka'kari makes him immortal but not invincible, meaning that every time he dies, he will come back from the dead; the price of this (that he only learns much later in the story) is high, as each time he dies and returns, one of his loved ones will die in his place. His other powers are that of other wetboys, such as altered strength and speed, invisible hands he uses to push or grab things from a distance, and to turn invisible—which is considered the epitome of a wetboy.