The Most Popular Girls in School (abbreviated MPGIS) is an American stop-motion animated comedy web series that debuted on YouTube on May 1, 2012. Created by Mark Cope and Carlo Moss, the series animates Barbie, Ken and other fashion dolls, usually with customized costumes and hairstyles, as various characters. MPGIS follows the exploits of the fictional Overland Park High School cheerleading squad and their friends, family and enemies. Variety described the series as "Mean Girls meets South Park". To date, 70 episodes have been released. The first episode has been viewed over 7.8 million times, and most episodes have received views in the millions. Currently, season 5 is in production, with new sets and the premise for the next season during a holiday vacation.
Mackenzie is diagnosed with alopecia, linked to her stress levels. When she meets up with the other cheerleaders at their shopping mall, they are shocked to discover cheerleaders from Aitchison High (Tanya, Taylor and another Trisha) on their turf.
Deandra runs into the Atchison cheerleaders at the mall and warns them of Overland Park's dangerous ways.
At the mall, Mackenzie tries to hide her alopecia from Tanya, while Brittnay and Taylor fight and the Trishas bond.
At Cheer Nationals, Ashley turns up as a member of the Atchison cheer squad, leaving Overland Park a girl short.
After working out that Ashley was working for Atchison, Deandra comes to the rescue, even if it means telling her backstory about her embarrassing end as head cheer leader. Atchison steals Overland Park's routine, but Deandra has a trick up her sleeve.
Overland Park has a chance to defeat Atchison.
Jenna Darabond returns to Overland Park after a mysterious disappearance.
The feud continues, and Jenna warns the Cheer Squad that she is bringing a storm of Hipsterism to Overland Park.
The Van Burens turn up at the 2013 Little Miss Overland Park pageant for Mikayla, where the rise of Hipsterism results in a unique winner.