The American television series The Love Boat (Love Boat in its final season), set on a cruise ship, was aired on ABC from September 24, 1977 until February 27, 1987. Each episode has multiple titles, referencing the simultaneous storylines contained within.
The following DVD sets were released by Paramount Home Video.
Captain Stubing's ex-wife (Bonnie Franklin) is a passenger with her new husband (Robert Symonds), a cruise line executive. She makes the crew pay for her animosity with the Captain (Gavin MacLeod). A former centerfold model (Meredith Baxter) struggles to hide her past from her fiancé who is a Congressman. A woman is followed by her boyfriend whom she dumped because he won't commit to marriage.
A man (John Ritter) poses as a woman because the only available cabin mate was already occupied by another woman (Tovah Feldshuh). A quarreling couple (Sherman Hemsley, LaWanda Page) is trapped in an elevator. A tycoon hires a detective (Dennis Cole) to find out if his wife (Jaclyn Smith) is cheating.
A man (Robert Reed) and woman (Loretta Swit) who are divorced meet. Two teens (Kristy McNichol, Scott Baio) fall in love. A senior-citizens' guide (Charles Frank) is kept busy by his group and interfering with his romance with Julie.
A sportswriter (Bill Bixby) romances a sidelined tennis pro (Brenda Benet). Doc falls for a seasick stowaway (Charo). A practical joker (Milton Berle) plays one joke too many.