The Idolmaster is a 2011 anime series based on the popular raising sim and rhythm game franchise of the same name by Namco Bandai Games on the arcade and Xbox 360. The anime is produced by A-1 Pictures and directed by Atsushi Nishigori, series composition by Atsushi Nishigori and Tōko Machida, character design by Atsushi Nishigori, art directed by Kushiro Usui and sound directed by Hiromi Kikuta. Based on The Idolmaster 2, the anime follows a group of thirteen pop idols from 765 Production studios and their goal to become the most popular idols in Japan. The anime aired from July 8, 2011 to December 23, 2011 on TBS and on later dates on MBS, CBC, RKB and BS-i. An original video animation episode was released on June 16, 2012.
The anime's first opening theme song from episode 2 to 12 is "Ready!!" by 765PRO Allstars, the thirteen idols of 765 Production, sung by their voice actresses, Haruka Amami (Eriko Nakamura), Chihaya Kisaragi (Asami Imai), Yukiho Hagiwara (Azumi Asakura), Yayoi Takatsuki (Mayako Nigo), Ritsuko Akizuki (Naomi Wakabayashi), Azusa Miura (Chiaki Takahashi), Iori Minase (Rie Kugimiya), Makoto Kikuchi (Hiromi Hirata), Ami and Mami Futami (Asami Shimoda), Miki Hoshii (Akiko Hasegawa), Hibiki Ganaha (Manami Numakura) and Takane Shijō (Yumi Hara). From episode 14 to 26, the second opening theme song is "Change!!!!" by 765PRO Allstars. For the ending theme songs, each episode has a different song sung by the idols including songs from the games.