The Hotel Inspector is an observational documentary television series which is broadcast on the British terrestrial television station, Channel 5, and by other networks around the world. Since 2008, each episode sees celebrated hotelier and businesswoman Alex Polizzi visit a struggling British hotel and try to turn its fortunes by giving advice and suggestions to the owner. Between 2005 and 2008, Ruth Watson was featured in this role.
Series 1 premiered on 29 September 2005 on Channel 5.
Series 2 premiered on 6 July 2006 at 9 pm on Channel 5.
Series 3 premiered on 6 September 2007 at 9 pm on Channel 5, with new spin-off series, The Hotel Inspector: Unseen following on Five Life at 10 pm.
This mini-series premiered on 21 May 2008 at 9 pm on Channel 5. The series consisted entirely of revisits to hotels featured in the previous three series.
Series 4 premiered on 10 July 2008 at 9 pm on Five, with the spin-off series, The Hotel Inspector Unseen following on Fiver at 10 pm. Series 4 saw Alex Polizzi replace Ruth Watson as The Hotel Inspector.
Series 5 premiered on 6 July 2009 at 9 pm on Five, starring Alex Polizzi as The Hotel Inspector. The inspection of Hotel du Repos in Switzerland in the final episode was the first international inspection and campaign carried out by the programme.
This series began on 22 July 2010 at 9 pm on Five. Alex Polizzi returned as the show's host.
Series 7 started on 18 April 2011 on Channel 5. This was believed to be Polizzi's final series, according to a tweet she made on her official Twitter page, thus putting the future of the show in jeopardy. However, it was revealed in September 2011, that The Hotel Inspector would return on 3 October 2011.
The same graphics had been used as in previous series but a reworked new theme tune was adopted. This was the first time in the show history that the theme tune was altered. The show also had a competition advertised during the show breaks. Prizes included trips to the Maldives, a Holiday in a castle in Ireland & a luxury break in Mauritius.