The Haunted Hathaways is an American sitcom that premiered on Nickelodeon on July 13, 2013. The first season was originally planned to have 20 episodes but was picked up to 26 episodes on August 21, 2013. Season 2 is the final season as no new episodes were confirmed at the 2015/16 upfront.
As of March 5, 2015[update], The Haunted Hathaways has aired 47 episodes over two seasons.
Ray and Miles agree to help Taylor with her first Halloween party in the house. When Louie has summoned a ghost to scare everyone, the ghost has the power to wreck havoc at the party.
Louie lies to his ghost friends about Ray's job; he says Ray's a secret agent but the truth comes out on Career Day. Meanwhile, Michelle, Taylor, and Frankie meet Clay Bannister, the food critic from Pilot, and try to make it up to him by convincing his mother he's not crazy for believing in ghosts.
After Ray boosts Louie's confidence, Louie challenges the toughest ghost at school to a ghost duel.
After Louie pulls a prank on Frankie, she decides to have a Louie voodoo doll made to exact her revenge.
Ending 1: Miles spills water in Taylor's face then the two dance awkwardly.
For accidentally causing her birthday party to be cancelled, Louie turns Frankie into a half ghost and take her to Ghost World. After a change of heart about the party, Michelle is having a hard time finding entertainment while Ray tries to fill the spot. Meanwhile later Miles and Taylor enters Ghost World to help Louie break out a now fading-out-of-existence Frankie from ghost jail.
When the Hathaways meet the Thundermans, they befriend each other, but when Phoebe is possessed by the Green Ghoul, they have to work together. Billy works with Frankie, Max works with Taylor and Miles, and Nora works with Louie.
Guest star: Sydney Scotia as Amanda
After an argument on the phone with Scott, Taylor meets an intriguing guy named Antonio, who turns out to be a ghost. Meanwhile, Louie and Frankie discovers swelling hormones in a pastry that Michelle is selling. Taylor must choose Scott or Antonio for a good boyfriend. Taylor changes her thought every second, but then realizes that Scott knows her and loves her more than Antonio, and that she only just met him.
Taylor announces to the family that Scott invited Taylor and them to meet his parents and she tell everyone to make a good first impression and not embarrass her. Meanwhile, Frankie is suspicious of one of Louie's classmates when she asks Louie to teach her how to be a better ghost whilst at the grocery store, Michelle talks to other customers while Taylor goes to get crotons. At Scott's house, Michelle looks at a picture of Scott's parents, but then realizes that his mom was the lady she put a plastic bag over, now Taylor must keep Scott's mom from ever seeing Michelle.