The Cleveland Show is an American animated series co-created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Henry and Richard Appel. The series focuses on the life of Cleveland Brown (Mike Henry), his son Cleveland Jr. (Kevin Michael Richardson), his wife Donna (Sanaa Lathan) and her kids Roberta (Reagan Gomez-Preston; Nia Long, 2009) and Rallo (Mike Henry). The series ran on Fox from September 27, 2009, to May 19, 2013. A total of 88 episodes have been produced and aired over four seasons.
The series, which was picked up for an initial order of 22 production episodes (1APSxx), was picked up by Fox for a second order of production episodes, consisting of 13 episodes, bringing the total number of ordered episodes to 35. The announcement was made on May 3, 2009, before the series even premiered. It was then picked up for the remaining nine episodes of the second season bringing the total amount of episodes ordered to 44. On June 10, 2010, less than three weeks into the first season's summer hiatus, it was announced that Fox was ordering a third season. A fourth season was announced on May 9, 2011.
On April 17, 2013, Fox dismissed increasing rumors that The Cleveland Show had been cancelled, reporting rather that renewal of the series is undetermined as of the present. However, it was confirmed the show would not return in Fall 2013, with no new episodes ordered, effectively cancelling the series.