Teen Wolf is an American supernatural drama developed by Jeff Davis loosely based upon the 1985 film of the same name and a screenplay by Jeph Loeb & Matthew Weisman, which premiered on June 5, 2011 on MTV. The series stars Tyler Posey as Scott McCall, a teenager who transforms into a werewolf after being bitten by one.
A six-episode web series, "Search for a Cure", was produced and presented by AT&T and released alongside the first season in 2011. Accompanying the episodes of Season 3 Part 2, Season 4, and a number of episodes of Season 5 Part 1, the aftershow Wolf Watch aired after each episode on MTV, originally hosted by Jill Wagner, who was succeeded by Tyler Posey.
On July 9, 2015, Teen Wolf was renewed for a sixth season of 20 episodes, which premiered on November 15, 2016. On July 21, 2016, the cast announced at Comic Con that the series would end after its sixth season. As of January 31, 2017[update], 90 episodes of Teen Wolf have aired, concluding the first half of the sixth season.